Sunday, July 13, 2014

Cleopatra, 1963


Elizabeth Taylor.

Elizabeth Taylor!

Seriously, just saying her name gets me excited. She is one of my favorite actresses. She is also the actress that I am compared to the most in looks, which is the HUGEST compliment, for anyone who has ever said anything like that to me. Thank you!

Anyway, in the movie Cleopatra in 1963, Elizabeth Taylor plays Cleopatra VII, the Queen of Egypt.

The film was was one of the most expensive films ever made. It costed $44 million to make the movie. While it was the highest grossing film of 1963, making $26 million, it ran at a loss. To this day, it is the only film to be the highest grossing film of the year and yet run at a loss. 

Cleopatra was nominated for nine academy awards, and won four.

Elizabeth Taylor is so beautiful in this movie. I love all of her gold dresses. I can't say that I love her makeup, but Elizabeth Taylor did! She continued to wear eye makeup similar to this in for most of her life.

I took one of those cheesy BuzzFeed quizzes today about what era I am supposed to be in, and it said I was supposed to be in Ancient Egypt! Who'd have thought! So I thought I would play the role of Queen Cleopatra by also putting on a fancy gold dress!

Isn't this dress so cute!? My friend Lauren's mom made this dress for me when I was in high school for my senior prom. She is a fantastic seamstress. I especially love the ruffle on the back, I think it is so flattering! (I'm still a LITTLE self-conscious about having a flat butt. Haha.)

Anyway, this past week has been really busy, and this week too, with finals coming up at BYU-Idaho. I only have a week and a half left and I am back in Arizona! Seriously, I am so excited. I love working and living with family. I also get to see my new cousin. I haven't met her yet. I'm going to meet her before I start going back to work. I'm so excited!

What are your fun summer plans? Any good ideas that I can steal? ;)

xoxo Miranda