Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you The First Lady of American Cinema.
She was the leading role in the highest grossing film of the Silent Era, Griffith's Birth of a Nation (1915).
She continued to act until 1987, where she acted opposite Bette Davis (one of my favorites), in The Whales of August.
This outfit was clearly the beginning of the 1920's.
To be honest, I wasn't feeling a full-on gloves and hat and coat and encroachments on everything today. It seemed a like a little too much. So I just used some of the style principles, like layering and long lines that are classic 1920's.

This is my second week of school here at BYU-Idaho. I'm really looking forward to a fresh start, and hopefully some more sleep!
I had a great weekend. One of my past roommates, Alicia came up and she stayed the weekend with me. It was so fun although we didn't do anything besides shop and watch Friends (which, by the way, is a great show). She is incredibly wise beyond her years and she was really able to help me with some stuff I'm going through.
Honestly, I'd probably live the weekend over again. Although I really like school. I think my favorite class so far is my Advertising class, surprisingly. I didn't see that one coming. Now I have an extensive knowledge about the advertising history of Coca-Cola and I really thought that was the coolest thing I've learned since starting the semester. Did you know that they named it Coca-Cola because they thought the two C's would look good for advertising? Or that they used to put the word "Drink" on the advertisements so people would know it was a beverage?
Trust me. There's more where that came from.
Anyway, I routinely post updates about my blog on the Instagrams, Facebook, and Twitter. Follow me if your heart so desires.
Have a good week!
Love the outfit, Miranda! Hope school is going well. Miss you!